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Lens Choice

Most new contact lens wearers opt for soft lenses.  By using ‘Regularly Replaced’ or ‘Disposable’ soft lenses it is possible to avoid the problems of durability and complex multi-stage cleaning systems.  It often allows lenses to be provided from stock, and payments to be made by monthly standing order to spread the costs whilst covering all aftercare appointments.

There are many options - It should be possible to find a lens type / replacement frequency / solution package to suit you.

It may help to ask yourself a few questions;

How many days a week do you think you will wear contact lenses?

Less than three is occasional, more than five is regular.

Do you find cleaning lenses time consuming?

Hygiene is very important, however, it may be possible to use a simpler cleaning system combined with more frequent replacements - or maybe you could try daily disposables.

Do you work in a dry office and find contact lenses uncomfortable?

Perhaps a change in lens material would help.

Are you a little older now and require a separate reading prescription?

Bifocal contact lenses are available for frequent replacement, we even have trial lenses in stock!

Do you want to change your eye colour?

We can supply cosmetic lenses for short term or regular use.

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