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Do’s & Don’ts of Contact Lens Wear

DO remember that the health of yours eyes is essential for good sight. DON’T put it at risk through negligence or vanity.

DO remove your lenses and consult your eye care practitioner if any eye reaction occurs such as pain, redness, burning sensation, excessive watering, increasingly blurred vision, coloured haloes around light sources and / or sensitivity to light. Contact the Eye Unit of a hospital if you require out of hours advice in an emergency.

DO remove your lenses before going to sleep (unless otherwise advised by your eye care practitioner).

DO attend your routine follow up appointments. These are essential to monitor the health of your eyes. Symptom-free wear does not necessarily mean that your lenses are not causing undesirable side affects.

DO comply with your eye care practitioner’s guide to wearing schedules. Over wear can have serious consequences.

DO keep your nails short. Long nails harbour bacteria and a scratched eye is vulnerable to infection.

DO replace lenses if they become damaged or scratched, or if they have deposits which cannot be removed.

DO wear make up if you wish but insert your lenses first. Remove your lenses before you take off your make up. Fibre free mascaras and oil free types are best.

DO keep your contact lenses out of the reach of children.

DON’T EVER use house hold products (e.g.. Disinfectants) with your lenses. They can seriously damage your eyes.

DON’T change your brand of care products without consulting your eye care practitioner. You may have been fitted with lenses which are not suited to certain products, or the product may have been chosen to suit your eyes.

DON’T wear your lenses when using eye medications or eye drops (unless advised to do so).

DON’T use saliva to wet your lenses. It is teeming with potentially harmful bacteria. It is NOT true that your own bacteria are safe.

DON’T allow hair lacquer or other cosmetic aerosols to come into contact with your lenses.

DON’T wear your lenses in the presence of noxious or irritating fumes.

DON’T wear your contact lenses when participating in water sports unless water tight goggles are used.

DON’T use tap water with your lenses or for rinsing your lens case.