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Direct Debit Direct Debit LogoAll Contact Lens Schemes are available over 12 months by Direct Debit

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Women Wearing Lenses 3


All of our contact lens wearers are advised to attend for regular aftercare checks.  Most are advised to attend every six months, others more frequently when required.  All of our aftercare schemes include unlimited access to the benefits of a face to face examination.

Vital for all contact lens wearers.

Included in the cost of all contact lens schemes by Direct Debit.

Available separately  by yearly contribution with non-planned  replacement contact lenses. -


Planned Replacement

Once upon a time it was common to replace a contact lens after it caused a problem (much like waiting for a tyre blow-out).  In many cases it is now possible to plan a replacement schedule to avoid many contact lens problems.  Planned replacement allows the use of softer, thinner lens designs.

Replace lens before its a problem.

Use  Softer, Thinner, Healthier Lens Designs.

Cleaning regimes may be simpler.


Continuous Aftercare - All appointments are FREE

FREE - Sight Test as clinically required.

Solution Discounts  - 10% reduction on wide range of contact lens care products.

Dispensing Discounts  - 10% reduction on further spectacles purchases.

From: £11.00 per month by Direct Debit.

Terms and Conditions

4 month minimum payment period required from direct debit